Manual uninstallation
To uninstall KONNEKT from your system, we recommend to use the uninstaller that is part of KONNNEKT and can be activated via the add remove software dialog of Windows.
However, if you can not leverage the uninstaller or there are settings left on your system after running the uninstaller, you may use the information given on this site, to remove KONNEKT from your system.
This procedure is for IT pros, only. It is not supported by our service team.
Remove Installer
Open Regedit and go to
Check the GUID-named subkeys for the one that belongs to KONNEKT
Check the DisplayName for 'Konnekt'
Check the Publisher for 'glueckkanja-gab AG'
Delete the whole key
Remove Driver
net stop konnekt
Remove the shell extensions
regsvr32 /unregister "C:\Program Files\Konnekt\shellext.dll
Remove the following Windows Registry keys for every user on the machine:
Clean the registry
Remove the following Windows Registry keys on the machine:
Remove the following Windows Registry keys for every user on the machine:
Clean Folders
Delete the "Konnekt" folder under
C:\Program Files\Konnekt
Some of the changes (like driver or the shell extensions) may need
a reboot or
log-off & log-on or
restart the explorer with this procedure:
Navigate to Task Manager
Search for Explorer
Right-click on it
Click Restart.
If you are unsure, please reboot.
Last updated
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