Libraries are empty


Some or all libraries in KONNEKT and mapped drives are empty.

KONNEKT client log shows the following messages: [Sharepoint] Failed to determine drives of site ... Key not found. Use default drive instead.

Customers with this issue may also also experience this: Add Share: "Key not found"


Microsoft (temporarily) changed the content of the response of the query for the library discovery for some tenants. Therefore KONNEKT will not map those affected libraries.


We implemented a workaround for that behavior starting with KONNNEKT V2.0.0. Please see here, how to get the update: Software updates.

After installing the new version of KONNEKT, please

  • Reboot the machine,

  • Start Windows Explorer and click on KONNEKT node,

  • Wait 5-10 minutes.

After this procedure, the libraries should work.

Similar Problems

Please also check this page: Sites missing or folders empty

Last updated